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  • Hardware Donation Tips

    Hardware Donation Tips

    Below are some tips for passing along your used but still useful equipment.

    1. Determine If Your Old Computer Can Be Reused

    If your computer is less than five years old, chances are it can be put to good use by someone else. Usually, the lifespan of a computer is seven to eight years. Extending the computer's lifespan through reuse provides the highest environmental benefit of all electronics disposal alternatives.

    2. Consider Donating Newer Equipment to a Refurbisher (Not a Local Nonprofit or Library)

    You may be tempted to donate equipment directly to a favorite local school or charity. However, keep in mind that most organizations have very specific technology needs. A donated computer might not be a good fit. Refurbishers are better equipped to repair and upgrade older computers. They will ensure that equipment works well and runs legal software copies and that any e-waste is disposed of properly. They will pass on ready-to-use equipment to those who need it, often at little or no cost to the recipient.

    Refurbishers work with newer equipment that can run current software programs. Therefore, if your computer is more than five years old, it's better to send it to a recycler.

    Find refurbishers that accept donated IT equipment via the directory of Microsoft Registered Refurbishers. Most Microsoft Registered Refurbishers also accept Macintosh products. If you are planning a large donation of more than 50 computers, please consider donating to TechSoup's Refurbished Computer Initiative (look under the "Become an RCI Donor" section).

    3. Recycle Older and Broken Hardware

    Any equipment that is not working or is more than five years old should go to end-of-life recycling, meaning responsible destruction. A computer recycler is a business or organization that salvages useful computer parts before breaking down what's left, safely removing hazardous materials in the process. Note that some recyclers will charge a fee to accept old computer equipment, especially monitors.

    4. Choose a Responsible Recycler

    You've probably seen or heard horror stories about dangerous and irresponsible electronics recycling. However, there are certification programs for recyclers that can help you feel good about the recycler you choose.

    Both the Responsible Recycling Practices (R2) and the e-Stewards® programs require recyclers to demonstrate that they meet specific standards for safe and responsible electronics recycling. The standards include environmental safety, worker health, and data security. You can learn more about certification programs at the EPA's Certified Electronics Recyclers page.

    5. Contact the Refurbisher or Recycler Before Donating

    Call the organization or check its website to ensure that it accepts the type of computer you plan to give away. Some refurbishing organizations, for example, will refuse anything older than a Core 2 Duo. Many recycling and refurbishing organizations also have specific locations where equipment can be donated, while others have delivery instructions they expect donors to follow.

    6. Remember the Software, Documentation, and Accessories

    If you can, include the keyboard, mouse, printer, modem, packaged software, and any other accessories you have used with the computer. They can almost always be utilized by schools, nonprofits, and charities, and most organizations only accept complete systems.

    Also pass along the original disks, media, Certificate of Authenticity sticker, user manual, and other documentation that came with the equipment. Keeping the Certificate of Authenticity sticker (usually on the computer) intact is generally the most important thing to remember. This allows refurbishers to inexpensively relicense and reload Microsoft Windows and Office software on the donated machines.

    7. If You Clear Your Computer of Personal Information Yourself, Use Disk-Cleaning Software

    The best way to protect against any unauthorized use of personal information is to use a disk-cleaning tool that obliterates all data on the hard drive. "Personal information" includes your web browser's cache, cookies, and history; your email contacts and messages; your documents; your recycle or trash folder; and all nontransferable software.

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